Changes to housing and communal services payments to come into force in Belarus on December 1: key points

26.11.2024 20:54

From December 1, the procedure for paying for housing and communal services in Belarus will change.

This is provided for by Government Resolution No. 825 of 11.11.2024.

The document was published on the National Legal Internet Portal, reports Minska Pravda.

Photo: © Belnovosti

What will change in housing and communal services payments from December 1

The main changes will affect debtors. According to the new rules, not only public utilities, but also organizations involved in the operation of housing stock, such as homeowners' associations, will be able to demand repayment of debt for the use of residential premises.

It will be possible to send notifications to defaulters via the national electronic postal system (currently only by registered mail or in person against signature).

Refusing to receive notification will not help you avoid disconnection of housing and communal services.

Currently, housing and communal services can be disconnected after two months of non-payment. Gas and water can be disconnected within 5 days after receiving a notice demanding payment.

Disconnection of housing and communal services is not the only measure of influence. It is also possible to seize the property and accounts of debtors, confiscate property from third parties, restrict travel abroad, alienate housing through the court (if housing and communal services are not paid for 6 months in a row).

If the court decides to alienate the property, the debtor can rectify the situation by paying off the debt within a year. Otherwise, the property will be sold at a public auction.

For reference

Housing and communal services are services for maintaining and restoring the proper technical and sanitary-hygienic condition of buildings, structures, equipment, communications and public utility facilities.

Timur Khomichev Author: Timur Khomichev Internet resource editor

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