On October 18, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of Saint Charitina of Lithuania and Saint Martyr Charitina of Amisus.
In the folk calendar, October 18 is Kharitina the Spinner, Kharitina the eternal weaver, Kharitina’s first canvases, Kharitina’s day.
According to folk signs, on Kharitinin Day you can determine what the winter will be like.
Weather signs for October 18
If there are still leaves on the oaks and birches by Kharitin's Day, a harsh winter is expected.
Also, the winter will be frosty if migratory birds have flown away by this day.
Thunder in October foretells a short, mild winter with little snow.
If there is no wind on Kharitina Pryalaya, a cold snap is coming.