Charge of illegal storage of ammunition and explosives: verdict of the Borisov District Court

20.09.2024 10:06
Updated: 27.09.2024 21:06

The Borisov District Prosecutor's Office supported the state prosecution in the criminal case against M., born in 1967, under Part 2 of Article 295 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus.

Citizen M., no later than 17:30 on 29.04.2024 (the exact time and date were not established during the investigation), illegally acquired a 7.62x54R cartridge, which, according to expert opinion No. 2.1.1-5/117 dated 29.05.2024, was factory-made, suitable for firing and is ammunition for rifled firearms (hereinafter referred to as the cartridge), and from the moment of acquisition, illegally kept the cartridge with him at the place of acquisition, after which, on multiple occasions, he moved it from the place of acquisition to the address of residence in an unidentified vehicle, thereby illegally transporting and illegally storing the cartridge.

M., in the period from 10.12.2023 to 17:30 on 29.04.2024, illegally stored at the address: Borisovsky district, village O., bulk substances weighing 16.95 grams, 7.94 grams, 9.83 grams and 18.55 grams, which, according to expert opinion, are smokeless and smoky powders, industrially manufactured, belonging to the category of propellant explosives, when mixed in a total mass of 51.96 grams, suitable for producing an explosion.

At the court hearing, the accused M. admitted his guilt in full and confirmed all the circumstances set out in the indictment.

Along with the accused’s admission of guilt, his guilt in the crime is confirmed by the totality of evidence collected and examined by the court.

criminal case
Photo: © Belnovosti

By the verdict of the Borisov District Court of the Minsk Region dated September 19, 2024, M. was found guilty of committing a crime under Part 2 of Article 295 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus, such as illegal acquisition, storage, transportation, carrying of ammunition (except for ammunition for hunting smooth-bore firearms), illegal storage, carrying of explosives, on the basis of which he was sentenced to restriction of liberty without being sent to an open-type correctional facility for a period of 2 years without a fine.
The sentence has not entered into legal force.

The material was prepared by the assistant prosecutor of the Borisov district V. A. Lappo especially for the information and news portal "Belnovosti" (Certificate of state registration of mass media (mass media) No. 2 dated December 21, 2018).

Belnovosti Author: Belnovosti Editing of the Internet portal