Belarusians who are currently in Austria and Slovakia are urged to be extremely careful.
The fact is that these countries were seriously affected by the natural disaster – powerful downpours led to floods.
And some regions of Austria were covered in snow – in some places almost two-meter snowdrifts formed.

At the same time, forecasters predict a worsening of the meteorological situation – they do not rule out that a number of European countries will soon have to experience even more severe natural disasters.
Embassy statement
In connection with this, the Belarusian embassy in Austria and Slovakia has called on Belarusians in these countries to be extremely careful.
The corresponding message was published on the diplomatic mission's page on the social network X.
Let us recall that Europe, especially Central and Eastern Europe, is experiencing the raging cyclone Boris.
It is responsible for the heavy rains that led to devastating floods in Austria, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Romania.
In connection with the flooding in Austria and Slovakia, we ask citizens of Belarus and their compatriots to exercise caution, the diplomats urged.
Fellow countrymen were advised to follow the instructions of local authorities and rescue services.
What's happening in Europe
A state of natural disaster has been declared in Poland due to floods. The military has evacuated 1,100 people in the south of the country.
Unfortunately, there are casualties and deaths, as well as extensive destruction.
A state of emergency has also been declared in some other countries affected by floods.
In the countries located downstream of the Danube, local residents are being evacuated as the water level is expected to rise.
As in Poland, the elements have hit Romania hard, where there are also casualties.
Many areas of the country have been flooded, and emergency services are working on the ground.
According to media reports, the last time such a destructive force of elements raged in Europe was 27 years ago.