What to do with Belarusian targetologists? MART reported whether they will be included in the Register of advertising distributors

27.09.2024 19:10

Some Belarusians are concerned about the following question: is it necessary to include targeters in the Register of Advertising Distributors?

This is especially relevant for the specialists themselves who are engaged in setting up advertising for a specific target audience.

The press service of the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade gave an answer to the pressing question.


It is stated that the need for inclusion in the Register depends on what specific work the targetologist performs for the customer.

The agency reminds: according to the Law “On Advertising”, only persons included in the Register have the right to provide services for the placement and distribution of advertising.

Photo: © Belnovosti

But there are exceptions. This means that the Registry does not need to include:

– services for placing outdoor advertising;
– services for placing advertisements on vehicles and in their interiors;
– advertising by telephone, telex, facsimile, cellular mobile communications, e-mail;
– advertising on capital buildings and in places where mass events are held;
– advertising on paper, if such a medium is not a mass media;
- other advertising determined by the government.

Advertising placement and distribution services that are not included in the Register are illegal and prohibited, the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade noted.

Targetologist and advertiser

The Register includes advertising distributors from among legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and those individuals who, due to the nature of their activities, pay tax on professional income.

Based on the above, a targetologist who provides services not only for setting up advertising, but also for distributing it on the Internet (while it is aimed at Belarusian users) is simultaneously an advertising distributor who must be included in the Register.

If a targetologist provides services exclusively for setting up advertising and is not involved in distributing advertising, then he is not an advertising distributor.

Accordingly, in the latter case, the specialist is not subject to inclusion in the Register, the Ministry explained the essence of the issue.

Pavel Gospodarik Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor

  1. Registry
  2. Targetologist and advertiser