A sink made of stainless steel is considered the most practical option today.
Elena Shimanovskaya sink cleaning the apartment and cleanliness washing washing Useful tips 22 November 2024Not everyone knows how experienced housewives use washing powder in the process of caring for plumbing fixtures.
Marina Michalap washing powder washing powder in everyday life toilet care Useful tips 26 October 2024Not everyone knows how experienced housewives use Vaseline to care for plumbing fixtures.
Marina Michalap cleaning the bathroom clean the mixer tips for housewives Useful tips 26 October 2024Not everyone knows the reasons why some housewives throw vegetable oil down the sink.
Marina Michalap sink smell from the sink vegetable oil Useful tips 27 May 2024Lemon juice is great for removing odors and small clogs in your sink.
Olga Kotova smell from the sink sink plumbing life hacks Useful tips 24 January 2024Not everyone knows how to clean a sink from unpleasant odors, grease and food residue using baking soda and lemon.
Marina Michalap unpleasant smell smell from the sink Uses of lemons Useful tips 24 December 2023