The quad biker girl who was insulted by Mia Boyka turned to the singer

11.09.2024 08:08
Updated: 27.09.2024 21:06

The story that Mia Boyka found herself in at a concert in Nadym has continued.

The singer insulted an 11-year-old quadro girl on stage, who was then booed by the crowd. Now the child asked the singer some awkward questions.

Marie-Anna, the name of the girl from Nadym who was insulted by Mia Boyka at a concert, has contacted the singer, writes the Zen channel Super.

Photo: Pixabay

Together with her mother, she answered questions from blogger Anya Enina.

After the celebrity ridiculed the child right on stage for her passion for quad bikes, the girl asked her a few questions.

Miya, why did you start insulting me? Did I do something to you? I just came in a cat mask... For what? Did I offend you somehow? Insult you? Hit you? Please answer, why did you insult me? - Marie-Anna addressed the star.

However, there has been no response or reaction yet.

It is known that the singer's actions were criticized by Ksenia Sobchak, who supported representatives of all youth subcultures, including quad bikers.

Yana Rudkovskaya advised the singer to apologize personally.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

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