The Guinness Book of World Records records a wide variety of human achievements, including the selfie.
With the advent of smart communication devices, people were simply captivated by this fun, which led to the emergence of special accessories. But the first selfie was not made in this or even the last century.
In the famous book of world records you can find the name of Robert Cornelius, who took the first selfie in human history in October 1839.

At that time, it was customary to say that a photograph was taken “using the daguerreotype technique.”
At the dawn of technological progress, this was the name given to the process of photographing using a plate containing silver, iodine and mercury vapor.
It took Cornelius about 15 minutes to take a photo of himself.
The photo was taken in the backyard of his family's lamp and chandelier store (Philadelphia, USA).
On the back of the photograph, the author wrote in his own hand: “The first light photograph ever taken, 1839.”
Soon Robert Cornelius opened one of the first photography studios in the United States.
Selfie was officially recognized as a word by the Oxford Dictionary in 2013. It means "a photograph of oneself."