Antiques are not the most expensive thing that can decorate the interior of a modern home.
This was proven by the Dutch architect Janjaap Ruijssenaars, who created something impossible, or more precisely, a bed hovering in the air. The product was recognized as the most expensive piece of furniture.
It is obvious that the bed is not made for the average buyer, even without taking into account its cost.

By the way, if you suddenly want to buy a smaller copy of this stock, you will have to pay almost 150 thousand dollars for it.
The design is truly incredible. The bed hovers in the air, being tied to the floor by its four corners.
It stays in the air thanks to the action of a powerful magnet.
But there are two important points: you will have to sleep under the influence of a magnetic field - that’s the first.
The second point is that if there is a power outage, the bed and the sleeping people will collapse onto the floor.
For reference
A record (from the late Latin recordum “remembered” via the English record) is the highest (ultimate) success, achievement in any area of work, economy, or sports.