American Hairdresser Collects Largest Ball of Human Hair: Rare Sight

27.12.2024 18:25

Professional records are most often represented by sporting achievements or culinary skills.

An American hairdresser also turned out to be one of the lucky few, without having to put in any special effort.

Henry Coffer didn't cut his clients' hair quickly or give them fancy hairstyles.

Photo: © Belnovosti

He simply collected the remaining hair and formed it into a ball.

On December 8, 2008, a 77-year-old barber from Charleston decided to present his creation to the world.

It turned out to be a ball of human hair with a circumference of 4.26 meters and a weight of 75.7 kg.

Speaking about his hobby, Koffer explained that one of his clients inspired him to start collecting hair scraps after haircuts.

Henry became so fascinated with this idea that he collected other people's hair for more than 50 years.

At the same time, the record holder thought about how this natural material could be used to good effect.

And several unusual ideas came to his mind.

For example, hair can be used to repair potholes on roads, or used in gardening as fertilizer.

The Guinness Book of Records does not report on the development of his ideas in practice.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

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