Canadian retiree Jean Laquerre can be called a real "expert" in Santa Claus figurines.
His collection of Santa Claus toys earned him a place in the Guinness Book of Records.
Jean's passion began back in 1988, when his wife's aunt gave him his first statuette.

It was a papier-mâché Santa Claus made in 1910.
This figurine became the beginning of a huge collection of Christmas decorations.
Lacquer's collection was subsequently expanded thanks to gifts from his relatives, and he bought some of the figurines himself.
Now Lekker is over 70, and the number of toys he has collected amounts to more than 25 thousand.
To be more precise, the Canadian's collection contains 25,189 St. Nicholas figurines.
According to the Guinness World Records Committee, this makes it the largest collection of its kind in the world.
By the way, the figurines of Santa Claus were not the only thing that attracted the collector.
As a teenager, Jean was fascinated by brands, then switched to wine labels. Only then did he find his true calling.
By the way, the man does not hide his pride from prying eyes: he converted his basement into a museum, which is open to visitors from December 15 to January 15.
True, one can only see this “treasure” by invitation from the owner.