Bags have become a very important attribute for any woman.
They have become not only a convenient accessory that allows you to carry everything you need with you.
Bags have recently become an indicator of status, income level and sense of style. In most cases, bags are not too bulky.
On the contrary, in recent years, small bags have been at the peak of popularity. However, this did not prevent the world record from being set.
What bag is considered the largest in the world?
Back in the early 2000s, a unique specimen that would amaze anyone with its parameters appeared on the pages of the Guinness Book of Records.
We are talking about a product whose weight was about half a ton. The bag was made of genuine leather. The height of the accessory exceeded four meters.
The width of the bag turned out to be more than a meter.
There was even a special compartment for a mobile phone. It turned out to be so large that an adult could easily fit in it.