The longest commercial is listed in the Guinness Book of Records: it was even shown on TV

05.08.2024 18:14

Most viewers find advertising annoying, but are happy to use this time as a break to do some important things.

But it is unlikely that there is a person who would want to watch advertising endlessly, or even for several hours in a row.

This is exactly the kind of advertising video that the famous company Old Spice launched when they decided to introduce a new scent.

Advertising is literally endless and consists of constantly changing episodes in which the same phrase is constantly heard.

Her characters include aliens, artists, celebrities and their dwarf versions.

Photo: Pixabay

For a time, the company aired a commercial on the Woohoo TV channel for 14 hours straight, which led to it being entered into the Guinness Book of Records.

The company's advertising achievements do not end there.

The manufacturer does not refuse to use viral advertising on the Internet.

And some of these videos not only gained popularity among YouTube users, but were also awarded at the Cannes Advertising Festival.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor