American schoolchildren knocked over thousands of cereal boxes and broke a world record: why they didn’t get into the Guinness Book of Records

11.06.2024 11:01

In 2022, Oregon elementary school students unofficially broke a Guinness World Record.

To do this, the kids from the May Richardson School in Central Point had to collect 6,877 cereal boxes and line them up.

A chain of boxes stretched through and around the school.

They then knocked over the "domino" that was the first box to start a domino chain reaction.

The number of boxes surpassed the previous Guinness World Record for the most cereal boxes knocked over using the domino effect.

Photo: Pixabay

It was installed in 2021 at Long Beach High School in New York City, where 6,391 boxes were knocked over.

According to Melody Tueson, the record-breaking teacher, the school was unable to submit an official application to the Guinness Book of World Records due to lack of time.

All used cereal boxes were subsequently donated to charity.

Earlier we talked about the very first interior designer in the world.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources