The train is one of the most convenient modes of transport, which is popular all over the world.
There are trains that carry passengers only to local stations, but there are also intercity and even international routes.
Depending on the popularity of a particular route, a schedule is often formed, and the size of the train is also selected.

The length of the train is also determined by this principle. Therefore, many will be curious to know which of the passenger trains managed to get into the pages of the Guinness Book of Records.
Which train is considered the longest?
The extraordinary train was presented by Swiss specialists. The train consisted of a hundred carriages. The total length exceeded 1900 meters.
This is truly a train of incredible size.
It was launched along a special route, which is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site and is also unique in its own way.
The train traveled for only 60 minutes, covering a distance of 25 kilometers.
Previously, we talked about the unusual sandwiches that made it onto the pages of the Book of Records .