A Chihuahua named Pearl, who lives in Florida, USA, has been listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest dog in the world.
He stands only 3.59 inches (9.12 cm) tall.
The official website of the Guinness Book of World Records states that the Pearl is "shorter than an ice cream stick."
The Pearl is 5 inches (approximately 12.7 cm) long, which is the same length as a dollar bill.
Zhemchug is not the first record holder in his owner's family.
The previous record for "miniatureness" belonged to her favorite, Miracle Millie.
The dog, who, by the way, was the sister of Pearl's mother, was 3.4 inches (8.64 cm) tall.
Miracle Millie passed away in 2020, before her record-breaking nephew was born.
Earlier we talked about the record for the fastest tire change on a moving car.