What are the most popular sauces in the world: not all gourmets know

07.04.2024 19:30

Sauces are an important part of creating a dish or adding a special flavor to it.

That's why professional chefs often make their own sauces.

There are established options that have gained worldwide popularity.

Photo: © Belnovosti

What sauces can be called the most popular?


It is worth noting that there are several types of mustard, but each of them certainly has a large number of connoisseurs.

Mustard is common in many countries.

It is valued for its piquancy and special taste.

Soy sauce

It is important to note that soy sauce is not only a mandatory addition to sushi: it is also commonly used in the preparation of many dishes.

It is simply customary to use the natural version of the sauce.


Despite the fact that in recent years mayonnaise has often been "scolded" for its harmfulness and caloric content, it has not become less popular because of this.

This type of sauce is almost universal.

By the way, if you prepare it yourself, you can safely consume it in reasonable quantities: there will be no talk of harm to health.

Previously, we talked about which rare types of wood have the highest value .

Marina Michalap Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What sauces can be called the most popular?
  2. Mustard
  3. Soy sauce
  4. Mayonnaise

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