What sport is considered the most dangerous for injuries: you will be surprised, but it is definitely not boxing

22.02.2024 14:04
Updated: 09.08.2024 14:47

It seems that where else can you get the most serious injuries with the greatest probability, if not in the boxing ring.

This is true, but there are more dangerous sports that only the most daring daredevils decide to take part in.

The injuries sustained in such cases are often incompatible with life.

Rock climber
Photo: Pixabay


The most severe injuries are sustained by athletes in collisions or falls at high speeds. If racers survive, it is often with a spinal fracture, accompanied by neurological complications.

American Football

Athletes get concussions, strains, bruises and dislocations - this is just commonplace.


This is a high-speed descent from a mountain, during which the athlete lies on the board, feet first. The descent vehicle has no brakes, and the slopes are chosen to be the steepest.

Rock climbing

One wrong move and any climb up a cliff can end in a fall from a great height.


This is a type of parachuting, the main threat of which is weather conditions - a gust of wind deprives the ability to control, which often ends in death.


Not everyone would dare to approach an enraged bull or horse, but in this case you still need to stay in the saddle. In addition to the risk of injury when falling to the ground, the chances of ending up on the bull's horns or under the horse's hooves are considerable.


In this case, the athlete does not descend to the ground with a parachute, but flies in a special suit, like a flying squirrel. It is difficult to predict how an extreme flight may end.


This is an extreme descent on mountain rivers on inflatable boats. You can easily fall overboard, hit a rock or end up in an underwater "pocket".

Base jumping

These are parachute jumps that are performed at low altitudes. Often, athletes simply do not have time to react in time, since the flight lasts several seconds. More than 400 amateurs have already become victims.

Previously we told you how to grow large and sweet beets .

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Motorsport
  2. American Football
  3. Streetlagging
  4. Rock climbing
  5. Paragliding
  6. Rodeo
  7. Wingsuit
  8. Rafting
  9. Base jumping

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