Wardrobe items and other things become expensive only after they enter the human world.
The most ordinary thing increases in value several times if it suddenly turns out that it belonged to an extraordinary person, even if it is worn jeans.
This is exactly the lot that was put up for auction, which resulted in a real record being set.

We are talking about Kurt Cobain's worn jeans, which were sold at auction for more than 400 thousand dollars.
Jeans that belonged to the frontman of the legendary Nirvana exceeded the starting price by 40 times! Bidding began at $10,000.
The owner of the late Kurt's simple wardrobe had to fork out $412,750.
By the way, at the Julien's Auctions in New York, in addition to the legendary musician's pants, his guitar was also sold, on which Cobain played the last performance of his life as part of the In Utero tour in 1993-1994.
Skystang I sold for $1.6 million. By comparison, Eric Clapton's Fool sold for $1.27 million.
As for Cobain's jeans, in addition to decorative patches, they have many rips, holes and floral patterns.
The musician was photographed in these jeans, he wore them in the Heart-Shaped Box video, he wore them during his performance at the Roseland Ballroom in New York, and also at the 10th MTV Video Music Awards.
Earlier it became known which flowers will last longer in a vase .