Which 3 restaurants in the world can be called the most unusual: many dream of getting into them

22.01.2024 13:47

Many restaurant owners understand perfectly well that the modern public must be surprised in order to keep the flow of guests coming.

Therefore, important components of success are not only famous chefs and a well-thought-out menu.

Which restaurants can be called the most original?

Chinese restaurant in the gorge

To get into this establishment, you need to get rid of your fear of heights. It is noteworthy that even the road to the restaurant goes through a suspension bridge, which does not seem reliable and durable.

a restaurant
Photo: Pixabay

Afterwards, you will need to be in an establishment that is located literally over an abyss. However, it is for this reason that the restaurant has become one of the most popular and sought-after.

Snow Restaurant in Finland

A very interesting establishment is located in Finland: it is made entirely of ice and snow. Guests are advised to dress warmly, as the temperature in the room is always only a few degrees above zero.

However, many guests noted that they were incredibly pleased with this original approach.

Belgian Dinner in the sky

This establishment meets the parameters of haute cuisine and originality. It is noteworthy that both the chefs and guests are at a height of several dozen meters.

The establishment itself is designed as an attraction: guests fasten their seat belts and rise to the desired height with the help of a mechanism. The restaurant has become incredibly popular.

Earlier we talked about which two Japanese museums were the most extraordinary .

Marina Michalap Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. Which restaurants can be called the most original?
  2. Chinese restaurant in the gorge
  3. Snow Restaurant in Finland
  4. Belgian Dinner in the sky

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