Japan, according to many tourists, is one of the most unusual countries in itself.
People who visit this country are always particularly impressed.
Many things seem too unusual for tourists.

As you might expect, museums in the Land of the Rising Sun will also be extraordinary.
Which of them can be called the most curious?
A museum dedicated to various parasites
Some people prefer to live as if this part of the fauna simply does not exist: this topic is too delicate and unpleasant.
However, the Japanese have dedicated an entire huge museum to parasites.
Visitors can enjoy the exhibition, which includes more than four dozen thousand exhibits. Here, for example, you can see with your own eyes an unusually huge tapeworm, the parameters of which are several meters.
Instant Pasta
In our understanding, this product is associated only with students and people who are one step away from poverty. However, in Japan, the attitude towards this product is more respectful.
The museum has been operating for over 20 years.
In it you can not only see different types of products, but also buy exclusive instant pasta.
Previously, we talked about which dog breeds are the most aggressive in the world .