When it comes to choosing a place to sleep, many cats begin to demonstrate surprising selectivity.
They are unlikely to settle down where their owner has carefully placed them: some cats seek refuge on the cupboard, some lie down directly on the pillow, while others go to sleep on the carpet.
Another part of animals chooses to spend the night on the bed, but not next to their owner, but at his feet.

Why do they do this?
Firstly, cats are driven by instincts: they choose this place because it is the safest.
From the edge of the bed, the cat can freely survey the entire room, including the door, and react immediately if danger is detected, saving its own skin by running away.
Secondly, even the most affectionate cats value their independence and need personal space.
Sleeping at your feet allows you to avoid unnecessary contact with a person, even if they are dearly loved, but at the same time be close all the time.
The cat may also be looking for a source of heat, and is evaluating your legs as an excellent "candidate" for this position. This is the third reason.
Fourthly, no one will dispute the fact that each person has a special smell - our pets find it especially attractive. That is why a cat chooses the edge of the bed to sleep on.
And fifthly, in this way our pets demonstrate their emotional connection with the owner.
Cats feel safe when they are around those they love and trust, which is why they lie at their feet.