Pets have a character and, like humans, it can be bad or good.
To some extent, it depends on the conditions of keeping and raising the pet. The breed of the animal also has a partly influence.
We will tell you about the breeds of cats that are recommended for keeping in families.

Once in the hands of their owner, animals relax so much that they turn into an anti-stress toy.
The nature of representatives of this breed is calm; cats are affectionate, active, and curious.
They need human attention and definitely require physical contact.
Birman cat
It can be easily introduced into a family with small children.
The cat is calm, affectionate and almost devoid of aggression.
This breed of cat is afraid of conflicts and prefers to sit in a secluded place.
Scottish Fold
In addition to all the qualities already listed, this cat has one special one - she is devoted to her family.
However, she may not require physical contact like the Ragdoll or Burmese.