Have your keys, socks and your favourite lipstick disappeared? Don't rush to blame the brownie.
Feline Crimes magazine conducted an experiment: 94% of cats steal things to provoke a reaction from you.
"They hide their prey in places with a strong scent of their owner - under the bed, in shoes or a laundry basket," said felinologist Sarah Lee .

Her colleague, animal psychologist Mark Tiller , adds that for cats, this behavior is a game of prey. They see your panic and perceive it as a reward.
An example from social networks: Simba the cat from Florida stole 12 spoons and buried them in a pot with a ficus tree.
"He was taking revenge for the move. As soon as we returned to the old apartment, the 'treasure' disappeared," the owner said on the Pet Mysteries blog.
TikTok user @CatBurglar showed how his Maine Coon Thor stole an Apple Pencil and hid it in a pizza box.
"He does this every time I work on the iPad. Now I leave him a toy pen to distract himself," he wrote.
Top 7 Stolen Items
1. Socks (especially dirty ones).
2. Keys (cats love the sound of metal).
3. Jewelry (glitter attracts them as prey).
4. Cosmetics (tubes resemble mice).
5. Remote controls (because of the buttons).
6. Money (paper rustles).
7. Chargers (cats confuse them with snakes).
Advice from an expert: "Check the space behind the refrigerator and under the washing machine. If you find "treasures", your cat considers himself the rightful owner of the house."
What if stealing becomes a problem?
"Get him an interactive puzzle toy. He'll be hooked and forget about your stuff," says trainer Emily Chen .