If you have two passions - traveling and pets, of course you wouldn't want to give up either one.
Therefore, you will certainly find useful tips on how to make flying with your pet much more comfortable and safer for both of you.
Choose the right carrier
The carrier should be soft but durable. Make sure it has good ventilation so your pet doesn't have breathing difficulties.

Make sure the carrier meets the airline's size requirements to avoid any unpleasant situations at the airport.
Prepare the necessary documents
Don't forget to get a veterinary passport for your pet, which should indicate current vaccinations.
You will also need a health certificate for the animal, issued no earlier than three days before departure.
If you are planning a trip abroad, familiarize yourself with the rules of the destination country in advance and prepare all the necessary documents.
Take care of adaptation
Start accustoming your pet to the carrier in advance so that it gets used to it. Its favorite toy or an object soaked with your scent will help you with this.
Do this on the day of your flight.
Try not to feed your pet 4-6 hours before departure, and be sure to take wet wipes and diapers with you in case of unforeseen situations.
What to do on a plane
If possible, keep the carrier under the seat in front of you so your pet can sense your presence.
Talk to him to reassure and support him during the flight.