Animal stories from shelters can be happy ones if future owners take into account a few less obvious points.
The first rule is not to arrange noisy meetings. A dog torn from the familiar walls of the shelter can be frightened even by the joyful cries of children or persistent hugs.
Imagine being suddenly transported to an unfamiliar world. It takes time to realize that it is safe here.

The ideal scenario is a quiet introduction to the house.
A bed in the corner of the room, bowls with water and food, a toy - that's enough. Even bathing is better to postpone for a couple of days, unless there is an urgent need.
The shelter feeds dogs a certain diet. A sudden change in diet will cause stress.
For the first week, stick to your usual menu, even if it seems that “home-cooked food is healthier.”
Treats are the secret weapon. A cube of cheese after a walk, a piece of apple for following a command - this is how a dog learns to trust.
Refusal to eat for more than a day, trembling, attempts to hide in the darkest corner are alarming signals. Don't be a hero - call the previous owners, who know everything about the dog's character and will tell you what to do.
If there are already pets in the house, it is recommended to conduct “dates” on neutral territory.
Cats hiss, dogs growl - this is normal. The main thing is not to punish them for their emotions.
And remember: shelter dogs teach us patience, for which they are ready to give the most precious thing they have - their love.