Scientists say that a cat's character depends on the color of its fur, as well as the characteristics of its breed.
Nobody wants to take in a mischievous and naughty cat and then put up with its antics for the next 10-15 years.
Veterinarian, felinologist, and zoopsychologist Angelina Sirotina told how to make the right choice.

Breed or character
You can approach this issue based solely on the characteristics of the breed.
The risk of running into a quarrelsome pet is minimal if you take an Abyssinian, Oriental, Sphynx or a cat from the Rex group.
If there are children in the family
It is necessary to exclude aggression in animals. Therefore, hybrid breeds should not be chosen.
These are Bengals, Chausies, Savannahs, Caracats. They do not pose a direct threat to children, but contact may be uncomfortable for everyone.
This is the most important thing. It is important to remember that there are no cats that do not cause allergies.
Therefore, before choosing a pet for yourself, if you have any suspicions, it is better to undergo a medical examination.
The fact is that in 90% of cases, allergies are caused by cat protein (saliva, urine, epithelium).