Many people are misled by the name “cat fleas” – for some reason they believe that these creatures parasitize exclusively on purring pets.
In fact, the species ctenocephalides felis received this “characteristic” because its representatives prefer cats.
But this does not mean that insects will not bite other warm-blooded animals, and humans, alas, are no exception to this list: human blood is quite suitable for cat fleas to ensure their reproductive functions.
However, these fleas still choose cats as their permanent “neighbor”.
There are several reasons: cat blood is warmer, and it is easier to bite through a cat's skin than a human's.
To sum it up: cat fleas will not constantly attack a person and will not settle on his body.
Due to the absence of hair on the entire body, regular showering and use of personal hygiene products, the human body becomes less attractive to fleas.
Insects attack their host only when there are a large number of them or if a hungry individual accidentally ends up on exposed skin.
Earlier we explained what it means if a dog presses its ears back .