One of the most popular cat breeds is the British. But each breed has its own temperament and requirements, which is often forgotten by inexperienced cat owners.
We will tell you who definitely should not have such a pet, despite its attractive appearance.
Here are some reasons that may make you change your decision.

In addition to their special character, the British have special requirements, or to be more precise, they need to be looked after differently than an ordinary cat.
First of all, don't believe the words that these cats don't shed. Even short-haired representatives of this breed shed their fur.
During the shedding season, you will have to clean the house more often, and also comb and bathe your pet.
Secondly, cats of this breed are prone to eye diseases.
Due to physical characteristics, the eyes of British cats are particularly sensitive.
Therefore, in addition to special care for the coat, you need to monitor your pet’s hygiene.
Only by regularly carrying out all necessary procedures can serious problems be avoided.
Therefore, if you don’t have free time, it’s better to get a simpler pet.
Previously, we talked about what to do if your cat starts to behave badly .