Punishment is an important part of pet training.
A four-legged friend is unlikely to become obedient if the owner ignores his pet's antics.
However, you need to punish your dog correctly and in a timely manner.
Otherwise, some punishments will be ineffective, while others will lead to even bigger problems.
So, what mistakes do many inexperienced owners make?
Punishment of a dog that approached its owner
Some people act like this: they call the dog and immediately punish it.
It would seem that everything is logical. But... this is a gross mistake.
You can't call your pet to punish it. Violating this rule can result in the dog being afraid to approach its owner and stop responding to its name. It will be very difficult to correct the situation.
Postpone punishment
Some owners think like this: “The dog is behaving badly, but it’s inconvenient to punish it now, I’ll do it later.”
However, this approach is unacceptable. The dog must be punished immediately and right at the scene of the crime.
Otherwise, the animal simply will not understand why it is being punished: training will be ineffective, and the pet may become more aggressive.
Beat the dog
Physical force on a dog is wrong and dangerous.
It may be effective, but at a huge cost: your four-legged friend will become either fearful or very angry.
Sometimes it is enough to scold a guilty pet. You can deprive it of something tasty once. In extreme cases, the animal can be lightly and briefly pressed to the floor. But you can't beat a dog under any circumstances.
Earlier we told you what foods you shouldn’t feed your dog and why.