Sometimes we forget that food that is familiar and healthy for people can be dangerous for our pets.
Therefore, dog owners can pay for their carelessness with the health and even the lives of their pets.
What foods are considered the most dangerous?
The healthier the chocolate (the higher the concentration of cocoa beans), the higher the risk of a fatal outcome for your pet. Therefore, chocolate and products containing it should be kept away.

Experts note that when consuming chocolate, it is worth seeking help from a specialist. Sometimes the body's reaction can be unpredictable.
This vegetable is useful for humans, but all its varieties pose a threat to dogs. Onions are dangerous in fresh and cooked form.
Garlic has a similar negative effect.
If your dog has shown interest in ready-made food that you have prepared using spices, this can be extremely dangerous. Most often, you have to deal with severe poisoning.
Therefore, prepared food should not be left unattended if the dog has access to it.
Grapes and raisins
This product is considered one of the most dangerous for a dog's health, so it is definitely not worth the risk. Serious negative consequences can occur even if the dog has not consumed many grapes or raisins.
It is better not to delay and seek help.
Earlier we talked about which cat "signs of love" are common manipulation on the part of the pet .