If you dream of owning some kind of exotic pet, a snake may be the best choice.
Especially given that some of them have no teeth and, accordingly, no poison, this means that such pets do not pose a threat to life.
African Egg Snake
This snake's diet consists of eggs, as they do not have the teeth needed to consume live prey.
Thanks to the projections, these snakes can crack the hard shell of the egg, and the jaw opens enough to swallow the egg whole.
The same can be said about another snake – the Indian egg snake . However, unlike the African one, this snake is quite rare and, as a rule, is not kept as a pet.
Milk snake
Another snake that lacks fangs or visible teeth. They are popular, among other things, because they are brightly colored and have a wonderful temperament.
Rat snake
The rat snake can only be conditionally included in this list, because it does have teeth. However, they are so small that its bite will leave only something resembling scratches on human skin.