Even avid cat lovers sometimes have no idea what they can do to have a pleasant and useful time in the company of a cat.
We will tell you about 3 ways to spend time that will give your pet the greatest pleasure.
In the first place, of course, will be the game of hunting. For this purpose, you can use cat fishing rods with feathers or fur.

Try to find a free minute in the morning or evening – this is when cats are most active.
The next activity that certainly gives cats pleasant sensations is scratching their backs.
Important: the comb for this must be the right one – it is better to avoid brushes with sharp metal teeth.
Proper petting is a whole science. Firstly, you should touch the animal with tenderness. Secondly, you should choose the back, ear area or neck for petting. And thirdly, do not allow yourself to touch the cat's belly, paws and tail.