The ability to know in advance that their owner will soon return home surprises many.
Therefore, it is worth understanding how cats sense that their owner will return soon.
Cats have a keen sense of smell
One of the key factors that allows cats to sense their owner's approach in advance is their keen sense of smell.

Cats have a much more developed olfactory apparatus than humans and can perceive odors over significant distances.
They can remember characteristic smells and even recognize them among other aromas.
Changing the energy field
When an owner is in a state of strong emotional or energetic interaction with his cat, he leaves his mark on this field.
Cats can sense and remember this trail, which allows them to anticipate the approach of their owner.
Cats are creatures of habit and love stability. If the owner has a regular routine, such as returning home at the same time every day, the cat may know in advance that this time is approaching.
She can watch for certain cues, such as the sound of keys, noise outside, or changes in activity in the house, and associate them with her owner's impending arrival.
Perception of time
Cats have their own concept of time that may differ from ours. They may have the ability to sense time on a more intuitive level and feel its passage.
This may explain why cats sometimes become impatient or excited for some time before their owner actually arrives home.
Relationship with the owner
Some studies show that cats develop a special bond with their owners.
They can be sensitive to the emotional state and mood of their owner, as well as to his energy field.