10 Dog Breeds That Only a Rare Cynologist Knows Exist: It's Not Just the Names That Are Surprising

12.05.2023 16:58

The world of living creatures continues to amaze people. Scientists discover new creatures living in the depths of the sea, and for some, the names of previously unknown dog breeds are a revelation.

At first glance it may seem like a hoax, but rest assured, Phunsan and Katalburun do exist.


These hunting dogs have a forked nose and begin hunting at 6 months. This breed was developed in Turkey in the 17th century. The dogs are loyal, reserved, do not require special care, but need long walks.


The name suggests that the breed originates from Korea. They are said to have been bred by crossing a tiger, a wolf, and a dog. This is an aggressive breed and is difficult to keep at home.


They were bred by crossing a shepherd, a Puli and a terrier. The animal has a complex character, a loud voice, but the breed is considered to be the smartest.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Norwegian Lundehund

Due to their characteristics and the local climate, Lundehunds are real climbers. They are strong and hardy dogs.


Bred in Japan for hunting deer or wild boar, this breed is not created for a house or apartment and faithfully serves only one person.

Brussels Griffon

The kindest creature with a touch of comedy. Reminds me of the brownie from T. Aleksandrova's fairy tale - Kuzya. Bred by mixing a pug, a spaniel and a Brussels wirehair.


Once a rare breed, but now known throughout the world. Similar to a spaniel and also belong to the hunting breeds.

Bergamasco Shepherd

Suitable for the role of a pet, good-natured and unpretentious. Often they act as shepherds and guards. But in an apartment and in a house they will not feel comfortable.


A smart dog that perfectly learns the owner's commands, but does not respond with a human voice. An excellent companion and guard.


Judging by its body structure, it is not difficult to guess that it is a hound. It is a guard, a hunter and simply a faithful dog. A very hardy breed that can withstand heat and drought, but it is very expensive.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Catalburun
  2. Pungsan
  3. Pumi
  4. Norwegian Lundehund
  5. Kai
  6. Brussels Griffon
  7. Stabyhoon
  8. Bergamasco Shepherd
  9. Wolfspitz
  10. Azawakh