What to feed a kitten so that it grows up healthy: recommendations from veterinarians

30.01.2023 03:00
Updated: 13.04.2023 17:40

The kitten's diet requires special attention, as during the growth period the animal needs balanced nutrition. The development and future health of the cat depend on this.

If a pet is fed poor food during childhood or does not have enough nutrients for growth, developmental delays, poor bone formation, allergies, and a weak muscle corset are observed.

It is best to choose a diet together with a nutritionist or veterinarian, as different breeds of animals may require different approaches to nutrition.

But there are general recommendations from veterinarians that can be used if it is not possible to consult individually.

How to choose dry food

Dry food is the most convenient and simple option. It clearly indicates the dosage depending on age, the composition contains all the necessary nutrients. It is important to choose food specifically for kittens, since food for an adult animal has a different composition and ratio of nutrients.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Dry food is divided into three groups

1. Economy. It is better not to use this option for pets at all, since the meat is replaced with soy, there are many flavor enhancers, flavors and colorings. If you plan to feed your cat this food in the future, it is better to refrain from feeding it until it is one year old, otherwise there is a high risk of health problems.

2. Premium. Premium and super premium class food is better in quality, but still far from ideal. They can be fed to a cat after a year, but it is still better for a baby to choose a more expensive option or use natural food.

3. Holistic. This is the most expensive food, but it contains natural meat, and the composition itself is ideally balanced in terms of nutritional value, vitamins and microelements, and there are no dyes, flavors or flavor enhancers.

Holistic is the best option for a pet. It should be chosen at least for the period of active growth, and then transfer the pet to a more budget food if such a need arises.

What natural food to choose

Natural food is a good option, but not very convenient. If you can constantly buy fresh products and cook food for your kitten, you can feed it natural food.

Suitable for feeding:

  1. Lean meat. It is best to choose beef. It is great if you have domestic chicken meat, since store-bought chicken often causes allergies.
  2. Eggs. Kittens under 6 months should be given only the yolk. When they grow up, you can feed them whole eggs. But no more than once a week, one egg at a time.
  3. Liver. Liver should be given 2 times a week.
  4. Porridge. Porridge can be cooked with meat, add vegetables to it.
  5. Dairy products. Up to 5 months, your pet can be given milk (preferably goat's milk). A small and adult cat should be fed cottage cheese 2-3 times a week, and fermented milk products can be given.

High-carbohydrate and fatty foods are not suitable for feeding - semolina porridge, potatoes, baked goods, sour cream, cheese.

Elena Gutyro Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor

  1. How to choose dry food
  2. Dry food is divided into three groups
  3. What natural food to choose