High intelligence is a rare and enviable quality these days, but it is still available to everyone.
There are many practices that allow you to understand whether a person really has unique knowledge or whether it is just superficial information.
An international group of scientists came to the conclusion that a person’s IQ level can be assessed at the initial stage based on four main features.

The first sign
Several unique traits are believed to indicate high levels of intelligence, foremost among them being a sense of humor and a sharp mind.
A person should not only make jokes, but also understand other people's humor.
Humor is indeed considered a sign of exceptional human qualities.
This is a sign of mental flexibility, a tendency to analyze the situation, and creativity.
The second moment
The behavior of an intellectual is also different from the behavior of an ordinary person.
An intelligent person knows how to enjoy solitude and loneliness.
Intellectuals prefer time for reflection and life planning to social interaction.
This quality indicates a high level of self-discipline and management of key processes.
Third point
You might be surprised, but a high IQ level is indicated by the habit of talking to yourself.
The quality of being able to focus attention indicates self-discipline and allows for deep analysis of thoughts.
People who talk to themselves are able to make balanced and informed decisions.
The last sign
Curiosity and inquisitiveness within certain limits also indicate people with intellectual abilities.
They are always improving their knowledge. Their insatiable love for knowledge forces them to constantly work on their development.
Of course, these are not all the signs, but if they coincide, you can be sure that you have met a rare intellectual.