Pregnant women should not cut their hair: truth or myth

09.02.2025 16:23

Pregnancy is an exciting period in a woman's life. Many signs and superstitions associated with this time only add to the worries.

Many of them have their origins in the distant past, when these prohibitions were created in order to protect the mother and child from possible harm.

It is not surprising that many pregnant women ask themselves: do the signs have any solid basis or are they just myths? Let's find out together how justified are the superstitions associated with pregnancy.

Pregnant women should not cut their hair

Every pregnant woman has probably heard about the ban on hair cutting. The taboo arose because our ancestors believed that hair contains a person's life force.

That is why there is a belief that by cutting her hair, a woman shortens her life and the life of her future child.

Photo: © Belnovosti

In fact, doctors say that the causes of infant mortality are in no way connected with whether the mother had her hair cut during pregnancy.

Pregnant women should not pet a cat

If a pregnant woman strokes a cat, her baby will be born furry – there is such a belief. Probably, it was accepted because during contact with animals a woman can catch a dangerous infection.

Scientific research does not support this theory, because many women who have cats give birth to completely healthy children.

The expectant mother is not allowed to sew, knit or embroider

It was believed that due to the needlework that the mother does, her child can get entangled in the umbilical cord. Modern doctors say: the risk of cord entanglement increases in the case of polyhydramnios, when the fetus is small and is in a large amount of fluid.

If we talk about knitting and other activities that require sitting for a long time, it is necessary to take a break every 20-30 minutes to change position, stand up and walk around. This way you can avoid stagnation in the pelvic organs.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

  1. Pregnant women should not cut their hair
  2. Pregnant women should not pet a cat
  3. The expectant mother is not allowed to sew, knit or embroider