If you go to bed with wet hair, then it’s a big mistake.
Many people say that after a working day they are so tired that they only have enough energy for a shower. And not for a hairdryer.
At the same time, they admit that without drying, hair after sleep is “no longer the same as it was before.”

Opinions of the people
Such statements have been made public by many users on social networks and messengers.
Some people share this trick: dry your hair after a shower as much as you can, and then put a towel on your pillow.
True, in the morning your hair will still be damp, and, what’s more, “not the same as before.”
Other users wrote that going to bed with wet hair is the worst thing possible, as it is “a sure way to get a fungal scalp infection.”
Experts consider the latter's opinion to be closest to the truth.
What is the danger?
Experts explain: moisture makes hair more elastic and susceptible to stretching, breakage, and damage.
Wet hair can be stretched without damage to 30% of its length, if stretched to 70% - irreversible changes will occur, and up to 80% - it will break.
It is unlikely that this can be avoided, since at night in sleep a person moves uncontrollably, turns from side to side, the head rubs against the pillow, and, accordingly, the hair stretches.
Water weakens the protein structure – hair becomes more brittle and more prone to breakage.
For this reason, many people notice more hair on their hairbrush or pillow after sleeping with wet hair, experts say.
Even if you have short hair, you need to dry it. Otherwise, you can get sick.
In addition, problems such as dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis (inflammation in some areas of the skin, including the skin of the face) are likely.
Sweat and bacteria
Another reason not to sleep with wet hair is to avoid excessive scalp sweating.
Experts say the reason for this is that wet hair is unable to effectively regulate body temperature.
Therefore, moisture can increase the temperature of the scalp, causing sweat to be released to cool the body.
And sweat, combined with sebum and other products accumulated on the skin, can impair hair growth.
In addition, wet hair at night is a risk for the growth of bacteria, which leads to acne.
There may also be problems with dandruff, psoriasis or eczema.