Thanks to the capabilities of modern photo editors, you can “tweak” any photo.
But things like proper makeup, angles, and clothing choices are much more important than knowing how to use Photoshop.
Here are some tips for women who have celebrated their 50th birthday to help them look their best in photos.

Let's start with makeup. Women of this age should use light foundations, not thick ones.
The latter can highlight imperfections and age-related changes in the skin – this will be especially noticeable in photographs.
Choose fluids with a light texture that effectively hide wrinkles without looking like a mask.
As for blush, the most advantageous option is considered to be warm coral or peach shades, and on the lips it is better to apply a light nude gloss, which can refresh and rejuvenate.
If we talk about the angle, then photos from below are prohibited for ladies of any age: they almost always create the effect of a double chin.
To avoid that fold between your neck and face, you should never lower your head. Instead, take photos straight on or slightly above.
To look attractive both in photos and in everyday life, women over 50 should choose light-colored, straight-cut clothes.
Such things emphasize the natural beauty of the figure and help hide extra pounds.
Clothes should not be too tight, but not too loose either - bagginess makes the look cheap.
At this age, it is better to give preference to loose-fitting clothes made from high-quality fabrics that hold their shape and visually lengthen the figure.