Vanga knew when the SVO would end: the “Eighth” would come – and there would be peace

27.09.2024 19:10

One of the most resonant predictions of the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga concerns the end of the conflict in Ukraine.

The seer linked the onset of peace in Ukraine with a certain “Eighth”. reports this.

Photo: Pixabay

What Vanga Said About Ending the Conflict in Ukraine

The seer predicted that peace would come to Ukraine when “the Eighth ascends to the throne.”

The opinions of interpreters of Vanga's prophecies on the question of whom the clairvoyant had in mind differ.

Some claim that the prophecy refers to the current US president.

Others believe that the seer was talking about the next president of Ukraine.

Timur Khomichev Author: Timur Khomichev Internet resource editor

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