The people of Germany are famous for their pedantry and penchant for order.
But in everyday life, some Germans turn out to be a little sloppy.
Thus, the toilet in a German family's home can quickly become dirty.

And what if guests are coming soon? It is in situations like these that the practicality and thriftiness typical of Western Europeans come into play.
A German housewife will simply pour ordinary table salt into the plumbing, reports the Zen channel TravelManiac.
Why pour salt into the toilet
This is done in order to quickly remove the unpleasant smell.
The fact is that salt copes well with stench and also stops the proliferation of dangerous microorganisms.
In addition, plaque on the inner surface of plumbing fixtures is removed.
How to Properly Use Salt to Clean a Toilet
One spoon of salt is enough to achieve the desired results.
Sodium chloride should be poured into the toilet bowl so that the product ends up only on the walls, without getting into the water.
Next, the areas sprinkled with salt should be thoroughly wiped with a brush.
The next step is to press the flush button. The result is perfect cleanliness and no unpleasant odor without wasting a lot of time and money (no need to buy expensive "chemistry").