Not every person can say: “I love my job!”
Many people do not find their professional activities particularly enjoyable.
However, you can even love a job that you don’t really like.

To do this, it is enough to answer just one simple question.
The answer will help a person take action.
What question should a person who doesn't like his job ask himself?
The question is: “What exactly am I not happy with about my job?”
A concrete answer has been given? That's very good! The first important step to loving a hated activity has already been taken.
All that remains is to take certain measures to eliminate the problems.
Further actions depend on the reasons for hating the job. If it is a matter of complexity, then you need to ease the physical working conditions by making a request to the management or ensuring that you have enough strength (for example, by making the diet more caloric).
If a person cannot cope due to a lack of skills, then he needs to attend courses and read the necessary books.
If it's psychological pressure, then you need to try to find a common language with your colleagues or just stop paying attention to people who are behaving incorrectly. Stay calm.
If the problem is monotony or boredom, you can ask your boss to give you the opportunity to periodically swap tasks with colleagues. If this is not possible, you can improve your mood by turning on your favorite music or an audiobook. Many other pleasant little things help too.
If the issue is low salary, then you need to understand that income and activity are different things. In addition, no one forbids you to ask the management for a salary increase. Yes, a refusal is possible, but it is worth trying.
If a person feels that he cannot “realize himself” at work, then he needs to find an interesting hobby that will allow him to fully reveal his talent.
And if you consider your work "shameful", then get rid of such thoughts. Understand: there are no "shameful" jobs, any work is important.