Those who do not believe in the existence of other worlds and other devilry have finally tried to interpret the meaning of dreams.
American scientists have explained the nature of nightmares and even told how they can end for a person if they do not urgently take care of their health.
Scientists believe that nightmares and real loneliness are interconnected.
The results of the study were published in the Journal of Psychology.
In addition to loneliness, nightmares can also be caused by health problems.
First of all, we are talking about the risk of developing heart disease, stroke, as well as a high probability of premature death.
During the course of the scientific work, it was possible to find out that nightmares more often haunted lonely people or those who considered themselves to be so.
But at the moment, we can only say with certainty that the cause of terrible dreams is stress caused by anxiety or overexcitement.
This is further evidence of the importance of a quality night's rest, which allows you to restore strength, improve brain function, speed up metabolism and improve your mood.