Why You Should Take the Phrase 'Don't Take It Personally' Seriously: Science's Answer

16.07.2024 20:18

This is the first phrase that, although it is used routinely, those around a person still try to calm him down.

But the advice "don't take it personally" is not only about consolation. It should be remembered when it comes to excessive sympathy, that is, when empathy works against the sympathizer.

Experts say that if you constantly and in everything empathize with others as if you were empathizing with yourself, then the body's protective ability will decrease.

Photo: Pixabay

What is the danger?

In short, a person simply stops distinguishing other people’s experiences from their own.

As a result, personal boundaries dissolve, and it becomes easy to manipulate such a person or draw him into other unhealthy relationships.

They may become victims of narcissists, abusers, and lose the ability to end relationships in which they are humiliated and devalued.

What is the reason?

The reason may appear in childhood due to a lack of love.

Usually, such people try to give others as much love as possible and are ready to sacrifice themselves even in a relationship with an abuser, just to change their partner for the better.

In such cases, it would be right to seek help from experts.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. What is the danger?
  2. What is the reason?

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