Why People Lie About Not Trying to Be Popular and Successful on Social Media: Experts Explain

10.06.2024 17:24

Rarely can a person admit that he strives to gain approval and popularity on social networks.

Mostly, people prefer to lie about the fact that they don’t need it.

However, it is worth noting right away: if a person does not care about popularity and reaction, then he will never share anything with the public.

social networks
Photo: Pixabay

Why do people like to lie about this?

Experts believe that the explanation is very simple: they failed to interest the audience. Instead of admitting this fact, they say that they did not strive for it.

After all, not every person can offer something that can attract strangers.

The thing is that people are simply afraid to admit even to themselves that they are of no interest to society.

But this is not a reason for worries or complexes: not every person is obliged to be interesting or bright. All people are different from each other.

But lying about the real reasons is not a solution either: in this way people try to exalt themselves (“I’m not interested in society’s reaction”) and humiliate those who honestly admit it.

Earlier we talked about the 3 character traits that prevent us from making friends .

Marina Michalap Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

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