Wolf Messing was very famous in the Soviet Union. And his fame did not come to him for nothing.
Messing was not only an artist who performed “psychological experiments”.
He also made several predictions. Later it turned out that some of his visions, one might say, came true.
Some of the statements of the seer, who passed away in 1974, are also relevant to the period in which we live, reports the Zen channel "Urban Legends".
Messing's predictions about Russia
The seer always had roughly the same answer to questions about the fate of Russia.
Messing noted that, according to his visions, the country would be rich and prosperous.
The mentalist also believed that at the beginning of the third millennium, Russia would be led by a person who would be able to make this state strong, with a serious position on the international arena.
In addition, Messing predicted a serious change in the world order in the early 2020s. And Russia will play an important role in this process, the seer believed.
The predictor noted: one can expect reconciliation of warring peoples.
Back in the first half of the 1960s, Messing predicted the unification of the Russian people.
The mentalist also emphasized that Russia will have two enemies. He did not name these countries directly. But, judging by the description, he is talking about the United States and China.
Messing believed that in the future humanity would face a serious economic crisis, as well as a large-scale geopolitical confrontation. At the same time, the seer believed that the Third World War would not begin. The absence of a military conflict on a planetary scale, as Messing noted, would be ensured precisely due to Russia's actions.
Previously, predictions of prophets were presented about what events will happen in the summer of 2024 in Ukraine.