How to Buy Products on Marketplaces Correctly: 4 Tips Every Online Shopper Needs

29.04.2024 16:48

Marketplaces offering a wide range of products from various sellers have long become an integral part of our lives.

Purchasing goods on marketplaces certainly has its advantages, but at the same time it can be associated with certain risks.

In this article, we will tell you how to buy products on popular marketplaces correctly so as not to go broke and get maximum satisfaction from your purchases.

Bank card
Photo: © Belnovosti

Make a clear request

You should only visit a marketplace if you have a specific request. If you simply go to the site with the request “I want to buy something,” you will most likely leave it with a set of souvenir towels and cat stickers in your basket.

Use search

Use search rather than banners or homepage recommendations – these tend to be the most expensive places to advertise on the marketplace. This means that product prices include these costs, making them more expensive.

Add items to your cart in advance and keep an eye on prices

This tip is especially relevant before the holidays - by adding an item to your cart and periodically checking its price, you can see how it changed before the holiday rush began. This way, you can understand whether it is increasing or decreasing as the holiday date approaches.

Compare prices from different sellers

Marketplace sellers often use a dynamic pricing strategy, meaning they change prices several times a week or even a day. By comparing prices from different sellers, you can choose the best deal.

Previously, we talked about how to maintain psychological stability .

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

  1. Make a clear request
  2. Use search
  3. Add items to your cart in advance and keep an eye on prices
  4. Compare prices from different sellers

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