The most common greeting is a handshake. Only close people hug and kiss when meeting, but even here things are not always clear.
But it is the handshake that can tell a lot about your interlocutor even before you move on to solving an important issue and before the meeting ends.
We will tell you what a handshake means and what you can expect depending on the greeting gesture.

When you have to shake the limp or relaxed palm of your interlocutor, then the person is either weak-willed or not at all interested in the meeting and your presence.
If you only shake the tips of your fingers, then you should not expect any rapprochement and you can avoid wasting time on the meeting.
This will be a strong and sharp handshake, as if someone is trying to pull you down, put you in your place. A sure sign that the person is showing superiority over you.
Your palm may also be turned so that it is at the bottom. And this is already a demonstration of strength.
And if they shake your hand with both hands at once, then there can be two options: either they are truly glad to see you, or they are ready to patronize you.
With capture
This is the third type of handshake, where not only is your palm shaken, but your elbow or wrist is grabbed.
This should also be regarded as an attempt to invade personal space.
Previously we talked about how to protect yourself from overwork .