Many people have had to deal with rude people.
Of course, such conversations were very difficult.
Some people "lost their temper" and responded rudely. And it didn't lead to anything good.

Others began to feel constrained, thereby losing the argument.
How can you emerge from a difficult situation as a winner and maintain your sense of self-worth? How can you make a boor feel awkward?
There is a psychological trick that allows you to achieve the desired result.
How to respond to rudeness correctly
Silence. This is the most correct strategy of behavior in such a situation.
But don't forget about an important nuance: never hide your eyes. Otherwise, you'll look like a loser.
Be sure to "attack" with your gaze. In other words, just look the rude person in the eye.
Silence combined with calmness and confidence guarantees victory over a boor.
A rude person, faced with such behavior from his vis-à-vis, will most likely become confused. He will feel very awkward and will start to behave more politely.
However, the "stare attack" is not always effective. There are situations when it can be harmful. For example, if the opponent is dangerous.
Therefore, always analyze the circumstances before using any psychological trick.
Previously, 3 ways to avoid an awkward question were named.